Davis County Clerk
Found in 135 Collections and/or Records:
Davis Park Golf Course
Death Registers
These records contain death registers for the years 1898 to 1905. Each entry has an assigned number, the name of the decedent, age, sex, race, color, term of residence, birthplace, marital status, occupation, last place of residence, causes of death, date of death and name of party making out the report.
Death Registers, 1898-1905
These records contain death registers for the years 1898 to 1905. Each entry has an assigned number, the name of the decedent, age, sex, race, color, term of residence, birthplace, marital status, occupation, last place of residence, causes of death, date of death and name of party making out the report.
Death Registers
These records contain death registers for the years 1898-1953. Each entry has an assigned number, the name of the decedent, age, sex, race, color, term of residence, birthplace, marital status, occupation, last place of residence, causes of death, datae of death and name of party making the report.
Declarations of Intention
Delinquent Income Tax Lists
These records document the payment of delinquent taxes. Information includes taxes and penalties owed and paid, and related records. These are not legal evidence of property ownership.
Department of the Army, General Permit 015, Discharges of Dredged or Fill Material for Stream Habitat Improvement Structures
Election Results
Elections Cartographic Records
Additional filters:
- Type
- Collection 102
- Archival Object 23
- Unprocessed Material 10
- Subject
- history 25
- water 13
- West (U.S.) -- History, Local 12
- water rights 12
- property 10
- legislature 9
- Marriage records 7
- United States -- History, Local 7
- budget 7
- financial 7
- irrigation 7
- license 7
- cartographic records -- maps 6
- certificate 6
- commission 6
- index 6
- wedding 6
- Finance, Public -- Accounting 5
- Land use 5
- Local government 5
- application 5
- bond -- official bond 5
- businesses 5
- corporation 5
- election 5
- incorporation 5
- public body 5
- report 5
- resolution 5
- taxes 5
- County clerks 4
- Population 4
- Registers of births, etc. 4
- Revenue 4
- acquisition 4
- construction 4
- courthouse 4
- delinquent 4
- meeting minutes -- minutes 4
- oath of office 4
- regulations 4
- sale 4
- voter 4
- Bond 3
- Bonds 3
- Court proceedings 3
- Emergency 3
- Marriage licenses 3
- Photography 3
- Public Health 3
- Recording and registration 3
- Tax assessment 3
- adjudication 3
- appraisal 3
- articles of incorporation 3
- auditor 3
- deed 3
- intergovernmental 3
- open meeting 3
- ordinance 3
- township 3
- Accounts payable 2
- Adoption 2
- Board of Equalization 2
- Centennial 2
- Election districts 2
- Electric 2
- Jail 2
- Land Acquistion 2
- Memorial 2
- Petition, Right of 2
- Photojournalism 2
- Railroad 2
- Railroad companies 2
- Special District 2
- Underground 2
- abstract 2
- audit 2
- building plan 2
- ledger 2
- plat map 2
- seal 2
- will – testament 2
- Accounts receivable 1
- Acquisition of property 1
- Anticipation 1
- Assessment 1
- Blind 1
- Board of Adjustment 1
- Building layout 1
- Building sites 1
- COVID-19 1
- Canine 1
- Certificate 1
- Chart 1
- Committee 1
- Connector 1
- Constable 1
- Coronavirus 1
- County Fair 1 + ∧ less