Showing Collections: 121 - 130 of 160
Railroad Rio Grande Delinquent Taxes
Real Property Acquisition and Sales Contracts
Records of Notaries Public
This is an index to all notaries public in the county. After the county clerk receives "certification of notaries public from the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code," he shall "keep and maintain an indexed record" of notaries public within the county "showing the names of all persons holding notarial commissions, with the dates of issuance and expiration" (UCA 17-20-3 (1995)).
Report of the County Assessors to the State Tax Commission
Report of values and total assessment amounts in the following categories: real estate, buildings, personal property, and livestock. Public utitlity amounts listed for most years.
These are formal statements of decisions or expressions of opinion adopted by the county commission. They perform the same function as an ordinance. The county clerk is required to "make full entries of all [county commission] resolutions" (UCA 17-5-209_(1995)). The most commonly adopted resolutions include the following: adoption of county budgets, sale of industrial bonds, and creation of special improvement districts.
Revenue Bonds
These bonds are issued by the county commission payable solely from revenues attributable to the extension and improvements to revenue producing facilities (UCA 17-12-1 (1995)).
Road Volumes
Sign permits
Solid Waste Management
Special Districts
This collection contains documents regarding the formation, expansion, and/or management of the special district.