Showing Collections: 61 - 70 of 160
Davis County Organizational Structure
Davis County Records and Property Search Website
Davis County Utah Power and Light Records
This record has one folder of various documents from Utah Power & Light
Davis Hospital
Davis Park Golf Course
Death Registers
These records contain death registers for the years 1898 to 1905. Each entry has an assigned number, the name of the decedent, age, sex, race, color, term of residence, birthplace, marital status, occupation, last place of residence, causes of death, date of death and name of party making out the report.
Death Registers
These records contain death registers for the years 1898-1953. Each entry has an assingned number, the name of the decedent, age, sex, race, color, term of residence, birthplace, marital status, occupation, last place of residence, causes of death, datae of death and name of party making the report.
Declarations of Intention
Deed Records
Delinquent Income Tax Lists
These records document the payment of delinquent taxes. Information includes taxes and penalties owed and paid, and related records. These are not legal evidence of property ownership.